Apache County, Arizona History

company with a companion, Mr. Burbage made a partial exploration of this cave or fissure, and found therein hundreds, perhaps thousands, of bows and arrows, baskets, stone axes and stone…

Negations for the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

…in the Pacific waters watching the American fleet, and it entered the harbor of Monterey a few hours after Commodore Sloat had their raised the American flag, July 7, 1846….

Early Spanish Missions and Missionaries

…village being silent and sitting in the galleries to listen. They tell them how they are to live, and I believe that they have certain commandments for them to keep,…

Maricopa County, Arizona History

…an abundance of water in Salt River for the use of a vast extent of country. The people who settled here commenced with little or no means, and by industry…

Pima County, Arizona History

…This belt of country is composed of plains, covered with grass part of the year, and considerable portions of it with mesquite wood, and broken or detached chains of mountains….

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