1871 Price of Produce in the Arizona Territory

The market price of produce will average, at Tucson and south of the Gila River:

Beef, on the block 12 to 15 cents per pound.
Fresh Butter 75 cents per pound.
Bacon 35 to 40 cents per pound.
Irish Potatoes 6 cents per pound.
Eggs 75 cents per dozen.
Flour 6 cents per pound.
Wheat, Barley and Corn 3 cents per pound.

At Prescott and in Central Arizona:

Beef, on the block 15 to 20 cents per pound.
Fresh Butter $1.25 per pound.
Bacon 35 to 40 cents per pound.
Irish Potatoes 8 cents per pound.
Eggs $1 per dozen.
Wheat, Barley and Corn. 7 cents per pound

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