Arizona Indians

The following passages were transcribed from Resources Of Arizona Territory and provided here for their historical significance. While providing an historical view of the Indians in Arizona at the time, they also imply some negative stereotypes reflecting the culture of some of the Native American tribes. We provide these here as part of an historical record, and should not be interpreted to mean that we in any way endorse the stereotypes implied. Arizona Ancient Ruins Arizona Indian Tribes Apache Indians Maricopa Indians Mohave Indians Papagoes Indians Pima Indians Yuma Indians

Apache Indians

These Indians are divided into small bands, and are governed by petty chiefs or captains. The main divisions of the Apaches are named the Coyoteros, Pinals, Tontos, Apaches, Mohaves, and what is known as Cochise’s tribe. Each of these tribes or hands has more or less divisions, and are governed as said before, by the petty chiefs or captains of such hand. They have no common head, and when the chief of one of these bands is not acceptable to his people he is removed and another chosen in his stead. In this respect they are republican. They have lived … Read more

Arizona Ancient Ruins

This Territory is covered with ruins, which prove conclusively it was once densely populated by a people far in advance, in point of civilization, to most of the Indian tribes. There is no written record of them, and it is only a matter of conjecture who and what they were. Occasionally a deserted house is found sufficiently well preserved to ascertain the character of the architecture. The wall’s of the Casa Grande, situated on the Gila, near Sanford, are still two stories above the ground. In size, the structure is about 30 by 60 feet; the walls are thick and … Read more

1871 Federal Officers of Arizona Territory

Delegate in Congress, R. C. McCormick. Governor, A. P. K. Safford. Territorial Secretary, Coles Bashford. Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Herman Bendell. Chief Justice, John Titus. Associate Justices, Isham Reavis, C. A. Tweed. United States Attorney, C. W. C. Rowell. United States Marshal, I. Q. Dickason. United States Surveyor-General, John Wasson. Register of the Land Office Eastman. Receiver, George Lount. United States Collector of Internal Revenue, Thomas Cordis. United States Assessor, H. A. Biglow. United States Special Mail Agent, I. N. Dawley. United States Depository, C. H. Lord. United States Deputy Collector of Customs, James E. Baker, at Tucson.