Arizona Land Records

Land Ownership and Township Plat

…land claims, no. 21-23 1855-1890 Private land claims, no. 24-39 1855-1890 Private land claims, no. 40-47 1855-1890 Private land claims, no. 48-56 1855-1890 Private land claims, no. 57-65 1855-1890 Private

Arizona Mining History

…of the mine is Mr. H. C. Grosvenor, and Mr. Pnmpelly is the engineer. The capital is $1,000,000. These mines were opened in 1856. Maricopa Mining Company; – this company

California Column Drives out the Hostiles

…cavalry and ten of Roberts’ company, including the detachment left as a garrison at the river, where a tolerable adobe building, erected by the Overland Stage Company, afforded decent shelter…

Survey for Railroads and Other Purposes

…The expedition was organized at Santa Fe, New Mexico, and the party accompanied an expedition against the Navajos as far as the Zuni, which point they reached by the usual…

The Santa Fe Trail

and son sought to rehabilitate themselves by another trapping expedition, and set forth with a company of thirty, again in the direction of the Gila. Engagements with hostile Indians were…

Early Mines and Mining

company. Sylvester Mowry, in his address before the Geographical Society, in 1859, said: ”The Heintzelman Mine- so called after the president of the company – bids fair to become more…

Missions, Missionaries and Military Annals

…of Franciscan occupation. In some cases, the comisarios had grossly neglected their duties. Everywhere the neophytes had been for a year free from all control, and had not been improved…

The Yuma, Cocopah and Maricopa Indians

…warmest of friends, for the period stated, frequently intermarried, were bound together by one common sympathy and one common cause, had the same enemies to contend with, the same evils…

War with Mexico

…September 26th, 1846, General Kearny, with his small company of dragoons, commenced his march to California. On the 6th of October, he met Kit Carson with fifteen men, carrying important…

Confederate and Federal Occupation

…now organizing. All the troops required for the expedition are in the southern district. I have ordered a company of the Ninth Infantry, regulars, to relieve the company of the…

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