Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

…ARTICLE. II. Immediately upon the signature of this treaty, a convention shall be entered into between a commissioner or commissioners appointed by the general-in-chief of the forces of the United…

Crabb Massacre

…was a Miss Ainsa, and whose family had been prominent in Sonora, Mexico, through the persuasion of her brothers, entered into a compact with Ygnacio Pesquiera, who was then in…

Confederate and Federal Occupation

…stripes for insolence and disorderly conduct, and branding for crime; declared that slaves could not testify in court against free persons. It prohibited and annulled all marriages between whites and

Explorations along the Beale Road

…known as the “Walker Party.” Captain Joseph P. Walker, who commanded the expedition, was an old hunter and trapper. In 1837, and 1838, in company with Jack Ralston, who later…

Survey for Railroads and Other Purposes

…then turned up the San Jose Valley, crossed over the Gavilan range at the source of Pajaro river, and examined the passes in this vicinity. A thorough examination was then…

Arizona State Lines and Navigation

open, Cooke’s Well, at the time. From Fort Yuma, Captain Wallace (Big Foot) rode to the next station, Maricopa Wells. He had a companion and two relief horses. From Maricopa…

Arizona Emigration, Immigration and Naturalization

…Northern Arizona Celtic Heritage Society PO Box 187 Flagstaff, AZ 86002-0187 American Jewish Year Book Cumulative Index of Obituaries 1984-1994 Jewish-American U.S. Civil War Veterans German Genealogy: US Passport applications,…

Yuma County, Arizona History

…via the Colorado river to San Francisco. The success of these enterprises would warrant the belief that by the erection of machinery and properly opening the mines, they could be…

Yavapai County, Arizona History

…beauty and comfort rarely excelled. The people are energetic and enterprising, and use every exertion possible to overcome the obstacles of Indian hostilities, high transportation, and to develop the resources…

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